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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brewtus Sirloin Burger - Applebee's, Delta, MI

In most american towns you will find an Applebee's.  A glimmering beacon of America's chain restaurant obsession.  In recent years it's reputation has improved, for example it was especially featured in the critically acclaimed movie Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.  In line with it's truly American heritage, Applebee's boasts a fine section of large burgers.

Applebee's signature, or at least it claims it as the original, burger is the Brewtus Steak Burger.  Weighing in at 10 oz. of sirloin burger, the Brewtus is crowned with REAL cheddar cheese, bacon, and an above average bun.  This first let down with this burger is when I was asked how I would like it cooked.  I, of course, said 'medium rare' (the perfect cook for all burgers).  I was politely informed that medium is the rarest they can go, but the waiter was friendly enough to state he would try to get it medium rare.  I should have just settled for the medium, because what I got was a medium with a barely pink,
mushy center.  Thankfully the meat of the burger was of good quality and thereby not allowing the texture to be devastating.  While the sirloin burger was not bad, it was also not fabulous.   It was not too greasy or salty, but lacked any kind of unique flavor.  A definite bonus on this burger was the thick slice of REAL cheddar cheese (you don't see that too much anymore).  Down sides of the burger included scrawny, soft bacon and the burger was at least twice as big at the bun.  If you are going to have bacon on a burger, it better be 'thick, peppered bacon from heaven', not a couple slices of nasty bacon just to say you have bacon on the burger.  In addition, I love the meat of a burger, but I also enjoy not have my fingers in my burger by the end.  Big burgers deserve big buns.   All together the Brewtus Sirloin Burger is definitely above the average, but lacks the signature taste and love of creation of truly great burgers.

Additional perks of the Brewtus Sirloin Burger:  You can get it anywhere in America at Applebee's, the fries were pretty good, and Applebee's has lots of options on the menu for those eating with you.


Amberly said...

How did I not know of this blog? I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS. I order a cheeseburger EVERYWHERE I go. I agree that Crunchy's makes one of the best... I am also a huge fan of Chili's Cheeseburgers. What I love about cheeseburgers is that they are all relatively the same- in that they usually consist of the same ingredients- but they taste different everywehre you go. One secret I have found, is cheeseburgers at Mexican food restaurants. Usually non-chain ones though. When you find a mexican food restaurant that has a burger on the menu- order it. It'll be good, I promise.


Benjamin said...

I'm waiting for the post on "Hamburg Inn No. 2" in Iowa City, IA or Angie's in Logan... they had some pretty good burgers there.

Also, you've got to check out this book: "Searching for the Holy Grill":