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Monday, March 7, 2011

5 Burgers a Week - Probably Not a good idea

Just stumbled across this article from the UK. Click HERE for the link. As it turns out, eating too much red meat can increase your risk of bowel cancer. So, if you have been living under a rock for the last 15 years and haven't heard about the dangers of too much red meat - here is your notice: Don't eat too much red meat.

The recommendation that they ultimately give is that you should eat no more than 90 g of red meat (~1/5 lb) per day. They also would only actively recommend cutting back to people eating over 140 g (~1/3 lb) per day.

Now before you go into a blind fury of despair because you are worried that your favorite Burger Officinato is dying of bowel cancer you should know about my diet. I actually eat vegetarian probably 3 times a week and my intake of red meat is limited to about once a week plus whatever burgers you see me blog here. Soooooo, don't worry. I will most likely get hit by a car on my bike or get some other type of cancer from my work in lab before I get colon cancer.

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